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BRIT books have been published since 1987 under the series title Sida, Botanical Miscellany. They are devoted to a comprehensive study of one topic, ranging from floras to systematic monographs to botanical histories and provide a greater depth of coverage for larger, key topics. Mary M. Hennen Scientific Publications EndowmentIn honor of his wife, Mary, BRIT research associate, professor emeritus of botany at Purdue University, and the world's pre-eminent authority on the systematics and biogeography of the rust fungi, Joe Hennen, has established the Mary M. Hennen Scientific Publications Endowment to provide support to the future of BRIT’s scientific publication program. Read more...
About the PressThe BRIT Press furthers the Institute’s conservation mission through innovation and excellence in preparation, manufacture, and distribution of scholarly botanical research and scientific discoveries for the twenty-first century. BRIT Press… bringing out the best in botanical science for plant conservation and education. Publication is an integral part of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas' commitment to scientific research by botanists, including BRIT's own scholars, through distribution of books and journals across the globe. If you would like your scientific research to have wide distribution, BRIT's journals provide it - along with quick turnaround, personal service, and expert advice. Please let us hear from you and how we may be of service. |
Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas(J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas)The Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas publishes research in classical and modern systematic botany. The journal is published twice yearly in a multiple topic format. Coverage is global: it is not restricted to any geographical area, and papers have been contributed from around the world. Subscribe, submit, learn more... Latest News
DEC 2015The first in a new illustrated series on the flora of North Carolina, Guide to the Vascular Flora of Howell Woods is now available for purchase.
SEPT 2015The long-awaited Flora of Oregon Volume 1 is here! This is the first flora for the state in over 50 years, with Volume 1 covering the ferns, gymnosperms, and monocots.
MAY 2015It's Spring, everybody! Just the right time to purchase our newest release, Flora of Colorado!
APRIL 2015Plant Guide: Maritime Succulent Scrub Region, Northwest Baja California, Mexico is now available. Get your copy today!
09 MAR 2015Our newest books are almost here! Plant Guide: Maritime Succulent Scrub Region, Northwest Baja California, Mexico and Flora of Colorado are in production and scheduled to arrive this Spring. Pre-ordering is available!
25 OCT 2014BRIT is pleased to announce that it will now carry Range Plants of North Central Texas by Ricky Linex with USDA-NRCS. The book is sure to delight all plant lovers from North Central Texas and beyond. Order your copy today!
View the News ArchiveVolunteer with the BRIT PressAttention, book lovers! The BRIT Press is looking for the help of dedicated volunteers like you. If you would like to take advantage of a learning opportunity in a productive environment, please visit our volunteer page here. We have many tasks available and we need your help! |
Illustrated Flora of North Central TexasShinners & Mahler's Illustrated Flora of North Central Texas is the first fully illustrated flora for any region of Texas and adjacent states. It is the most comprehensive guide to a large portion of the diverse plant life of Texas and covers all the native and naturalized vascular plants known to occur in North Central Texas, an area about the size of Kentucky... read more. |
Illustrated Flora of East TexasThe same team that produced the Illustrated Flora of North Central Texas is involved, with the addition of Monique D. Reed of Texas A&M University. For the purpose of this study, East Texas is a region of about 54,000 square miles, (roughly the size of North Carolina). It includes the Pineywoods, the Post Oak Savannah, the Red River Zone, and the Blackland Prairie... read more. |
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