What is Green Revolution?

Green Revolution is a year-round environmental leadership platform focused on increasing environmental stewardship and E-STEM skills of students in the 6-12th grades. Students, or Agents of Change, investigate their world to identify, design, and implement creative solutions to improve human health and sustainability of the environment. Participants gain real-world knowledge that equips them for leadership in the job market of tomorrow.

What is the Green Revolution Agent Curriculum?

Green Revolution is designed for educators to implement as a weekly 1.5 to 2 hour out-of-school time program for middle school and high school. The program supports the 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Texas State Standards for Science, Math, and Biology, Texas College and Career Readiness Standards, 21st Century Skills, and the Excellence in Environmental Education Guidelines for grades 5th through 8th.


BRIT developed Green Revolution and the “Agent Curriculum” from current environmental research and best practices known to empower students to be successful as environmental, future-thinking leaders. The experiential, project-based, and global citizen curriculum will equip your students to think differently about their environment, improve critical thinking skills, and connect interdisciplinary ways of thinking.  Contact us now for more information on how your students can become Agents of Change.


Click below to view a sample of our revolutionary Agent Curriculum.



Click the video below to view our agents in action. #AgentofChange

Click a icon to follow us on social media.  #AgentofChange




Contact us


 Phone: 817.332.4441 x237                 

Email: greenrevolution@brit.org