BRIT Classes and Workshops


As a community leader in plant based knowledge and education, BRIT is pleased to partner with experts in the fields of botany, biodiversity, conservation, sustainability and education to provide the public with opportunities to deepen their knowledge of the plant world through a variety of classes and workshops. 
These half and full day classes and workshops, some of which will offer CEUs and CECs, will take place both on the BRIT campus, 1700 University Drive, Fort Worth, TX  76107, and in the field. Please check the individual event announcements for further details.

Upcoming Classes:

Permaculture 101

Our Spring series of permaculture classes was so well recieved that we're offering a second, expanded series of classes this fall!

Join BRIT for these hands-on workshops taught by knowledgeable, engaging instructors.


  • Permaculture Basics for Home Gardeners

Saturday, September 2, 2017, 10am – Noon
$25 ($20 for members)

What is Permaculture and how can using the principles of permaculture allow you to work smarter not harder when it comes to your garden and landscape.

Instructors: Kim Martin and Laurie Bostic of Barking Cat Farm, a small acreage specialty farm that focuses on growing high quality crops in an organic and sustainable manner. Martin and Bostic have their Permaculture Design Certificate from Geoff Lawton’s Permaculture Design Course and offer permaculture design and consulting services to other growers and gardeners. 

Please note: online registration for this class will close Thursday, August 31.


  • Introduction to Vegetable Gardening

Saturday, September 2, 2017, 1pm – 3pm
$25 ($20 for members) 

Ready to grow your own food but wish you knew more? This is the class for you! The class will cover a range of topics to help the beginning vegetable gardener be successful growing their own food organically.

Instructors:  Kim Martin and Laurie Bostic of Barking Cat Farm, a small acreage specialty farm that focuses on growing high quality crops in an organic and sustainable manner. Martin and Bostic have their Permaculture Design Certificate from Geoff Lawton’s Permaculture Design Course and offer permaculture design and consulting services to other growers and gardeners. 

Please note: online registration for this class will close Thursday, August 31.


  • Urban Gardening: Permaculture for Small Spaces

Saturday, October 7, 2017, 10am – Noon
$25 ($20 for members) 

Need a little green (or red, orange, or purple..) in your life but don't think you have enough space on your urban or suburban lot for flowers or veggies? Then this is the class for you! Join BRIT and learn how you can enjoy the benefits of home grown veggies, herbs and flowers regardless of the size of the plot you have to work with.

Instructor: Jason Ramsey, permaculture designer and teacher with Permaculture Denton.

Please note: online registration for this class will close on Thursday, October 5. 


  • Seed Starting 101

Saturday, October 7, 2017, 1pm – 3pm (NEW date and time!)
$25 ($20 for members)

Get a jump on your spring garden and learn best practices for starting your seeds indoors including information about lighting sources, planting material, where to purchase seeds, and how to make your own seed starting pots. Additionally, you'll learn what varieties grow well in our climate and get tips on timing your seed starting.

Instructors: Kim Martin and Laurie Bostic of Barking Cat Farm, a small acreage specialty farm that focuses on growing high quality crops in an organic and sustainable manner. Martin and Bostic have their Permaculture Design Certificate from Geoff Lawton’s Permaculture Design Course and offer permaculture design and consulting services to other growers and gardeners. 

Please note: online registration for this class will close on Thursday, October 5. 


  • Worm Composting

Saturday, November 4, 2017, 10am – noon 
$25 ($20 for members)

Discover why you should consider vermicomposting, and convert your household waste to soil fertility.  Where should you set up worm bins, How to setup and care for worm bins, and how to harvest your finished product. Learn about the beneficial microbes in living vermicompost and how they restore soil health.  Discover how to utilize worm castings as an affordable garden amendment to improve your chances for organic garden and landscaping success.  

Instructor: Heather Rinaldi grew up in the farm and ranch lands of Northern Oklahoma.  Heather opened Texas Worm Ranch in 2008.  The mission of Texas Worm Ranch is to educate and empower healthy people, healthy communities and a healthy planet.  It is Heather's belief that we can use safe, sustainable and non-toxic products and practices that will restore soils and make a healthier planet.  She is a speaker for Mother Earth News Fair and Texas Worm Ranch was awarded the GreenSource DFW Sustainable Leadership Award for Small Business in 2016. 

Questions, comments, need more information? Please email Laura Venhaus.



  • If you need to cancel, your registration fees may be credited to another date or program, but not refunded due to the cost of processing fees.
  • If you are unable to attend a program, you may send an alternate participant with your advanced confirmation.
  • In case BRIT must cancel a program due to insufficient enrollment, a full refund will be made to you.