Botanical Research Institute of Texas

1700 University Drive

Fort Worth, Texas 76107-3400

817.332.4441 Business

817.332.4112 Fax

(click here for map)


Hours of Operation

10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Tuesday - Friday

9 a.m. - noon  First Saturday of the month (February through November)

Closed on Mondays

The BRIT Libraries are open to public use by appointmentfrom 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday through Friday .

The BRIT Herbarium is open for public use by appointment, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday through Friday.


Holiday Closures

January 2, Monday - New Year's Day
January 16, Monday - Martin Luther King, Jr's Birthday
April 14, Friday - Good Friday
May 29, Monday - Memorial Day
July 4, Tuesday - Independence Day
September 4, Monday - Labor Day
November 23 & 24, Thursday & Friday - Thanksgiving
December 25 & 26, Monday & Tuesday - Christmas

Directions to BRIT from Interstate 30

From I-30, take the University Drive Exit and go North.
Take the second left turn into the Fort Worth Botanic Garden. 
BRIT will be the building on your right.